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International Date Line West, UTC-12
American Samoa, UTC-11
Midway Island, UTC-11
Hawaii, UTC-10
Alaska, UTC-9
Pacific Time (US & Canada), UTC-8
Tijuana, UTC-8
Arizona, UTC-7
Mazatlan, UTC-7
Mountain Time (US & Canada), UTC-7
Central America, UTC-6
Central Time (US & Canada), UTC-6
Chihuahua, UTC-6
Guadalajara, UTC-6
Mexico City, UTC-6
Monterrey, UTC-6
Saskatchewan, UTC-6
Bogota, UTC-5
Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC-5
Indiana (East), UTC-5
Lima, UTC-5
Quito, UTC-5
Atlantic Time (Canada), UTC-4
Caracas, UTC-4
Georgetown, UTC-4
La Paz, UTC-4
Puerto Rico, UTC-4
Santiago, UTC-4
Newfoundland, UTC-4
Brasilia, UTC-3
Buenos Aires, UTC-3
Montevideo, UTC-3
Greenland, UTC-2
Mid-Atlantic, UTC-2
Azores, UTC-1
Cape Verde Is., UTC-1
Edinburgh, UTC+0
Lisbon, UTC+0
London, UTC+0
Monrovia, UTC+0
Amsterdam, UTC+1
Belgrade, UTC+1
Berlin, UTC+1
Bern, UTC+1
Bratislava, UTC+1
Brussels, UTC+1
Budapest, UTC+1
Casablanca, UTC+1
Copenhagen, UTC+1
Dublin, UTC+1
Ljubljana, UTC+1
Madrid, UTC+1
Paris, UTC+1
Prague, UTC+1
Rome, UTC+1
Sarajevo, UTC+1
Skopje, UTC+1
Stockholm, UTC+1
Vienna, UTC+1
Warsaw, UTC+1
West Central Africa, UTC+1
Zagreb, UTC+1
Zurich, UTC+1
Athens, UTC+2
Bucharest, UTC+2
Cairo, UTC+2
Harare, UTC+2
Helsinki, UTC+2
Jerusalem, UTC+2
Kaliningrad, UTC+2
Kyiv, UTC+2
Pretoria, UTC+2
Riga, UTC+2
Sofia, UTC+2
Tallinn, UTC+2
Vilnius, UTC+2
Baghdad, UTC+3
Istanbul, UTC+3
Kuwait, UTC+3
Minsk, UTC+3
Moscow, UTC+3
Nairobi, UTC+3
Riyadh, UTC+3
St. Petersburg, UTC+3
Volgograd, UTC+3
Tehran, UTC+3
Abu Dhabi, UTC+4
Baku, UTC+4
Muscat, UTC+4
Samara, UTC+4
Tbilisi, UTC+4
Yerevan, UTC+4
Kabul, UTC+4
Almaty, UTC+5
Ekaterinburg, UTC+5
Islamabad, UTC+5
Karachi, UTC+5
Tashkent, UTC+5
Chennai, UTC+5
Kolkata, UTC+5
Mumbai, UTC+5
New Delhi, UTC+5
Sri Jayawardenepura, UTC+5
Kathmandu, UTC+5
Astana, UTC+6
Dhaka, UTC+6
Urumqi, UTC+6
Rangoon, UTC+6
Bangkok, UTC+7
Hanoi, UTC+7
Jakarta, UTC+7
Krasnoyarsk, UTC+7
Novosibirsk, UTC+7
Beijing, UTC+8
Chongqing, UTC+8
Hong Kong, UTC+8
Irkutsk, UTC+8
Kuala Lumpur, UTC+8
Perth, UTC+8
Singapore, UTC+8
Taipei, UTC+8
Ulaanbaatar, UTC+8
Osaka, UTC+9
Sapporo, UTC+9
Seoul, UTC+9
Tokyo, UTC+9
Yakutsk, UTC+9
Adelaide, UTC+9
Darwin, UTC+9
Brisbane, UTC+10
Canberra, UTC+10
Guam, UTC+10
Hobart, UTC+10
Melbourne, UTC+10
Port Moresby, UTC+10
Sydney, UTC+10
Vladivostok, UTC+10
Magadan, UTC+11
New Caledonia, UTC+11
Solomon Is., UTC+11
Srednekolymsk, UTC+11
Auckland, UTC+12
Fiji, UTC+12
Kamchatka, UTC+12
Marshall Is., UTC+12
Wellington, UTC+12
Chatham Is., UTC+12
Nuku'alofa, UTC+13
Samoa, UTC+13
Tokelau Is., UTC+13
Time Zone
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